Institute for New Music

Ensemble NAMES im Museum der Moderne | © Christian Schneider

The Institute for New Music organizes all study-relevant events in the field of New Music, from the supervision of individual students to collaborations between several classes, departments and other internal and external institutions. Special emphasis is placed on the cooperation between the instrumental and composition classes.


The Institute for New Music offers students and teachers the opportunity to experience the entire spectrum of contemporary music:

  • Performers learn in theory and practice how to deal with music from the classical period of modernism to the present.
  • The Ensemble for New Music at the Mozarteum develops the programs of the Doppler Concerts with students.
  • The composition classes develop their works in direct exchange with ensembles of students as well as with renowned experts.
  • Renowned interpreters of New Music enrich the concert events at the Mozarteum with exclusive programs.
  • Selected composers from Germany and abroad complement the educational program with presentations and seminars.

The Institute for New Music initiates and promotes in particular activities that go beyond the study program, in which it presents itself to the public with selected programs and participates in the international discourse with workshops, exchange programs and other initiatives.



  • © Christian Schneider
    On the hunt for unheard soundscapes 

    After their first concert at the end of May, musical director Kai Röhrig and flautist Leona Rajakowitsch, founding members of the newly formed ensemble for contemporary music at the Mozarteum University, and composer Anna Skladannaya reflect on the potential and significance of new music - with a view to more to come.

  • © Matthieu-Rynkiewicz

    On 24 May, "Doppler 15" will be the first concert by the newly formed ensemble for new music at Solitär. Kai Röhrig, the ensemble's musical director, flautist Leona Rajakowitsch and composer Anna Skladannaya (both students and founding members of the ensemble) talk about the genesis, current projects, challenges and the hunt for new, unheard-of soundscapes.

  • © Christian Schneider
    Future music from five centuries 

    With the first edition of the new interdisciplinary ORA Early Music Festival, the Mozarteum University is celebrating a special premiere. Over three days, early music, contemporary musical language and improvisation come together in numerous concerts and sound performances.



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Projekt Shift | © Feikind
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Projekt Shift | © Feikind
Spot On MozART
100 Jahre IGNM - Ausstellung
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