University course - Elemental Music & Movement Education

University course
Musiker*innen | © Fabian Schober

The university course refers to the curricula for elemental schools and is intended to support teachers in competently teaching the areas of work listed in the curriculum for music education (singing, elemental instrumental playing, moving to music, listening to music).

Study & Examination Management
+43 676 88122 492

2 semesters / 56 ECTS-AP


Registration deadline
currently no admission test


In addition, the participants should be enabled to realize the "Didactic Principles" listed in the curriculum in the classroom as well as to understand music, movement and art as fundamental and also to teach them in an interdisciplinary way (in connection with German, foreign language instruction/English, physical education and sports). In the artistic-pedagogical work, the participants should be encouraged to go in search of the artistic themselves again, to discover the creative in themselves, to expand their repertoire of methods in order to be increasingly able to deal competently with creative impulses of their students.

Elemental music and movement education encompasses and integrates all musical and dance/movement subject areas that appear to be of central importance for an artistic-pedagogical (human) education. Essential foundations are the connection and the in-relation of speech/voice, music and movement/dance and art as well as their interdisciplinary inspiration. Fundamental and characteristic for elemental music and movement education is the artistic-pedagogical and creative handling of music, language and dance in the work with groups. Special working principles are derived from this: Exploration, improvisation, composition, reproduction, reception and reflection.

General information

The university course is aimed at educators who are interested in the creative use of language, music and dance in their field of activity. The university course offers an extension of their professional qualification.

For admission, proof of a completed pedagogical degree or proof of a degree related to pedagogy at a recognised domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution is required. Interested parties with legally equivalent degrees or with a relevant professional qualification may also be admitted (e.g. graduates of an educational institution for kindergarten pedagogy). Admission is granted in the order in which applications are received, provided that the prerequisites are met.

The application has to be made by means of the → Registration form at the latest two months before the start of the course.

The course lasts two semesters and comprises 8 weekends in one academic year and is held with a minimum of 12 participants, maximum group size: 16. The lessons are held in blocks from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon.



Necessary documents for registration:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Letter of motivation
  • Copy of the school leaving certificate(s)
  • Completed application form 
  • A DVD showing the applicant in the following situations: solo singing (e.g. a folk song), solo playing an instrument, solo dancing (e.g. dance improvisation; folk dance), teaching a group music and/or dance. Recording/excerpt of min. 25min/max. 50min
  • In addition, the DVD is accompanied by a booklet containing information on the performance pieces, lesson planning, framework conditions and other explanations.

The course fees are a one-time fee of Euro 1,800. In addition, the ÖH fee must be paid regularly.

The degree consists of the positive completion of the required courses and the submission of documentation on a project carried out in one's own field of activity.



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