Doctoral Programme Science & Arts

Doctor of Philosophy
Interuniversitäres Doktoratsstudium | © IE Wissenschaft & Kunst

The inter-university doctoral program in Science & Art is offered jointly by the Mozarteum University Salzburg and the Paris-Lodron University Salzburg. The program is aimed at students who have both a scientific education and competencies in the field of artistic or cultural production.

Study & Examination Management
+43 676 88122 492

Interuniversity Institution
Science & Art

Length of study
6 semesters / 180 ECTS credits


Registration deadline
every semester during the general admission period


General study information

The subject area of the doctoral program is fundamentally located at the interface of science & art and is intended to contribute to the integration of the knowledge bases of both fields. The interdisciplinary doctoral program imparts and promotes theoretical understanding and methodological competencies at a postgraduate level between and with the various disciplines, but especially between theory and practice of the arts and cultural production.

The aim of the doctoral program is to provide outstanding training for young scholars by acquiring the ability to conduct independent scholarly work in addition to academic professional training. Graduates are familiar with the current state of research in their field, are able to critically analyze various positions in the intersection of science and art, and are able to develop new research questions and address them in a methodologically sound manner.

The goal is also transfer-related and independent research between and with different disciplines or art and cultural practices.

The inter-university, interdisciplinary doctoral program imparts and promotes theoretical understanding and methodological competencies at a postgraduate level between different disciplines and with transdisciplinary models; in particular, it seeks networking between theory and practice of the arts and cultural production. Beyond the academic professional preparation, the ability for independent scientific work is imparted. Graduates are able to critically analyze different positions at the intersection of science and art.

They are able to:

  • develop new perspectives, generate research questions and theses
  • to work in a methodologically sound manner and thus
  • make independent contributions to scientific and artistic research

Admission to doctoral studies requires the completion of a relevant diploma or master's degree programme at a university or university of applied sciences or another equivalent programme at a recognised post-secondary educational institution. In any case, degrees in the studies offered at the Paris Lodron University Salzburg and the University Mozarteum Salzburg are considered to be eligible.

For the examination of the prerequisites under study law, the certificates are to be submitted in electronic form to the Study and Examination Management of the Mozarteum University at 

Admission to the degree programme is based on a qualitative selection procedure consisting of:

  • a letter of motivation
  • a description of the academic career as well as artistic or cultural experience and competences
  • the submission of an exposé including
    • Research questions or theses
    • A technical description of the research project
    • Information on the methodology
    • Critical discussion of the state of research
  • if possible, naming of a desired supervisory team
  • the holding of an interview

The documents and papers for the qualitative selection procedure must be submitted in electronic form to the chairperson of the Curriculum Committee or his/her deputy no later than the beginning of the general admission period.

A disposition comprises the conception of the planned doctoral thesis and offers an insight into the dissertation project. It not only gives the dean the opportunity to examine the dissertation project in more detail, but also provides the supervisors with a basis on which the student can receive appropriate professional advice and guidance in the ongoing work. 

A disposition should include the following aspects:

  • Elaboration of the state of research and indication of research desiderata to be taken up in the planned dissertation. These considerations should lead to the formulation and differentiation of (a) concrete research question(s), which forms the basis of any scientific work; in this way it should become apparent that the dissertation project will lead to an independent scientific work; 
  • General considerations on the theoretical foundation as well as on the methodological approach in order to examine the object of research and to be able to answer the research question; 
  • a research plan and timetable for the work; 
  • in addition to the cited literature, a first documentation of further relevant literature as well as an overview of the source material, if applicable; 
  • Rough outline of the planned work
  • The disposition should thus outline the conception of the research project and defines the framework of the dissertation - no more, but also no less. If possible, it should be written in the first semester of the dissertation programme and should consist of approximately 10 to 20 pages. Before finalising and submitting the disposition, the dissertation project must be presented publicly at least once to a review board. Feedback during the discussion should give the dissertation candidate constructive suggestions for the conception of the dissertation project. The presentation can take place, for example, in the context of a departmental colloquium or also in the context of a dissertation seminar. It must be ensured that the presentation is public (e.g. after inviting the entire department and other colleagues in the field).

At the invitation of the chairperson of the Curriculum Committee or his/her deputy, at least three members with venia docendi, including, if possible, the proposed main and secondary supervisors, belong to the review board. These three members exercise the right to vote. The following have an advisory function (without voting rights): a) other experts who attend the meetings of the review board at the invitation of the chairperson of the curriculum commission or his/her deputy, and b) members of the curriculum commission who can generally attend meetings of the review board.

Primary and secondary supervisors must submit a statement on the disposition, which must be submitted together with the disposition. 12 ECTS points are credited for the preparation of the disposition.


Registration of the dissertation

After the successful public presentation of the disposition, its confirmation by the chairperson of the Curriculum Committee and the approval by the Curriculum Committee, the dissertation must be officially registered at the Mozarteum Department of Studies. If all opinions are positive, the Director of Studies (MOZ) and the Dean (PLUS) approve the dissertation project and formally appoint the supervisors. In case of negative opinions of the proposed supervisors or in case of serious reservations of the review board in the course of the presentation, the dissertation project is to be rejected by the Director of Studies of the Mozarteum University Salzburg in consultation with the responsible Dean of the Paris Lodron University Salzburg and the disposition is to be revised and resubmitted.

Change of the dissertation project

The disposition defines the framework of the dissertation project. Within this framework, certain adaptations and changes are possible and often necessary. A research project cannot be predetermined down to the last detail and must leave room to take into account insights gained in the course of the research. In this context, it may also seem sensible to modify the title of the dissertation compared to the disposition. Such changes are permissible and need not be applied for or justified separately, as long as they remain within the framework set out in the disposition.
within the framework set out in the disposition.

Submission of the dissertation

Before submitting the dissertation, the final title must be communicated to the Mozarteum University's study and examination management. In consultation with the supervisors, a suggestion for the second assessment should also be submitted.

To check for plagiarism, the dissertation must be uploaded in PDF format to the Mozarteum University repository. In this context, an abstract must also be entered in German and English.

5 bound copies of the dissertation must be submitted in the study and examination management together with the confirmation of upload to the repository. The signed declaration of consent must be included at the end of each copy.

The degree programme is completed with the acceptance of a dissertation and the completion of a disputation in the form of a board examination.