BR 2

The bodies representing the employees in the enterprise shall have the task of safeguarding and promoting the economic, social, health and cultural interests of the employees in the enterprise.


Company doctor at Mozarteum  University Salzburg
Dr. Brigitte Schulz

+43 662 887588 50

Occupational psychologist at Mozarteum University Salzburg
Mag. Birgit Artner

+43 662 887588 38


The tasks of the staff representation are governed by the Federal Staff Representation Act (PVG). In accordance with the provisions of this Act, it is called upon to safeguard and promote the professional, economic, social, cultural and health interests of staff members. In fulfilling this task, it shall ensure that the laws, ordinances, contracts, service regulations, decrees and orders applicable to staff members are observed and implemented. (§ 2.(1) PVG) Detailed information is set out in § 9 of this Federal Act.

Tasks of the works council according to §38 ArbVG:
"The bodies of the workforce of the enterprise have the task of safeguarding and promoting the economic, social, health and cultural interests of the workers in the enterprise.

The ULM-FCG list around our chairperson Klaus Posch has been in office for you for almost 20 years now. A lot has happened in this time, above all, of course, the many changes of rectorate for various reasons, which have always brought about numerous changes in the everyday working life of all of us. The ULM-FCG list has always tried to represent your interests as well and comprehensively as possible, also by bundling all available means such as our voice in the Senate and our seat in the University Council. However, this has become increasingly difficult, especially in recent years, as the economic pressure on the university is unfortunately increasing faster than the budgets provided by the ministry. Despite all this, we still have a very high social standard, even compared to other public universities, which we must maintain and, if possible, expand in the coming years.


Substitute members

Sigrid Sullivan
Ute Bischo 
Claudia Kern
Daniel Revers
Jan Fredrich