Performance orientation in instrumental and singing lessons

Research project

Project management
Heike Henning


In a current research project, performance orientation in music lessons is to be investigated. Since there are no validated scales yet on how strong the performance orientation of (music school) teachers is, a corresponding questionnaire is currently being developed. This will consist of two subscales: Self-related performance orientation, i.e., how important performance is in one's own musical actions, and performance orientation in teaching, which is about attitudes and actions in the teaching context.

In order to check the individual items of the new questionnaire for comprehensibility and internal consistency, it will first be sent to interested students and teachers and then an item reduction will be carried out. Subsequently, the questionnaire will be validated with previously developed scales, for example, on perfectionism, performance motivation, and conscientiousness, and a statement will be made about the extent to which performance orientation is pronounced among music school teachers in German-speaking countries and whether it is related to (professional) satisfaction.