Mag.art. Dr.phil.
Stephan Höllwerth
After private lessons in violin, piano, music theory and ensemble conducting, Stephan Höllwerth completed conducting studies at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna and dissertation studies at the University Mozarteum Salzburg with distinction. As an orchestra conductor, Stephan Hoellwerth has stood on the podium of the RSO Vienna, the Pro Arte Orchestra Vienna, the Bad Reichenhall Philharmonic Orchestra, the West German Symphony Orchestra Böhlen, the Hallein Chamber Orchestra, the Negaunee High School Orchestra and others.
From 2009 to 2011 he was musical director of the chamber orchestra of the Musikum Salzburg. From 2012 onwards, Höllwerth became increasingly involved in the field of amateur orchestral music-making and led the ensembles "Generationenorchester Musikum" and Diabelliorchester Musikum Seekirchen.
As a choir director Höllwerth worked with the Jeunessechor Wien (assistant) and the Chorus Andrae Salzburg. He also worked with the ensembles "coro per sono", "Cantus Amabilis" and "visionvokal". From 2005 to 2019 he was musical director of the choir of the Musikfreunde Laufen. Since 2019, Höllwerth has served as musical director of the Kammerchor Salzburg (www.kammerchorsalzburg.at).
At the Theater an der Rott/Eggenfelden, Höllwerth was engaged as répétiteur and chapel master during the 2004/2005 season. Furthermore he correpteted for singing teachers like Cornelia Prestel and Grace Bumbry. He regularly correpetes with choirs such as the Bachchor Salzburg (2004-2009), the Domkantorei St. Pölten and the Capella nova Graz.
Teaching assignments have taken him to Salzburg College (correpetition and conducting) and, since 2006, to the Musikum Salzburg (music theory, composition, ear training and orchestral conducting). As a music critic he worked for several years for the Salzburger Nachrichten and the Salzburger Volkszeitung. He gave lectures at conferences of the Society for Music Research in Germany (Rheinsberg, Würzburg), at the Academy for Musical Education in Karlsruhe and at the Universitá Santa Croce in Rome. He gave several introductory lectures on opera performances for the sponsorship department of the Salzburg Festival from 2013 to 2014. From 2015 to 2022, Höllwerth worked in the dramaturgy department (program booklet texts and introductory lectures) at the Bad Reichenhall Philharmonic Orchestra. From 2020 to 2021, Höllwerth will design his own Zoom lecture series at the Bad Reichenhall Adult Education Center under the title "Schlaglichter der Musikgeschichte." Since 2021 Höllwerth has been responsible for the lecture series "Joy of Music History" at the VHS Salzburg.
In terms of organization, Höllwerth worked for the Musical Youth of Austria and as an assistant with the Young Austrian Philharmonic Orchestra and the Vienna Jeunesse Choir. At Österreichischer Rundfunk, he has regularly taken on tasks in the areas of recording management and broadcast design since 2006. In the association "BarockPur!" he looked after a board function for several years and was co-initiator of the concert series "European Baroque Music" in the Sacellum of the University of Salzburg.
Since December 2022, Stephan Höllwerth has been a senior artist at the Department of Conducting, Choral and Wind Orchestra Conducting at the University Mozarteum Salzburg, where he is responsible for choral management and concert dramaturgy assistance.