Arts of Change - Change of Arts 2023

What is the role of art, students and universities in shaping a sustainable future? The coaching and funding program Arts of Change - Change of Arts offers the opportunity to further educate oneself between March and November 2023 in terms of content and methodology on the topics of "art, sustainability & socio-ecological transformation", to network with students from all Austrian art universities and to implement a trans-/interdisciplinary project.
until February 19, 2023 by mail to
Verein forum n
in cooperation with
- Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
- University of Applied Arts Vienna
- Mozarteum University Salzburg
- University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
- University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
- University of Art and Industrial Design Linz
Supported by
Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF)
What participants can expect:
- An online preparation and reflection phase with contributions from art & cultural professionals and scientists on the topics of "art, sustainability & transformation"
- Peer-to-peer coaching sessions in the summer and winter semester 2023 (in presence). Expected 17-19.3.2023 (getting to know each other); 6-7.5.2023 (determining a project); 16-17.9.2023 (conclusion)
- Implementing a project together with other students until November 2023 & financial support for the implementation in the amount of approx. 700 Euro (depending on how many projects/groups are created)
- Networking with other motivated and committed art students (in total approx. 15 participants) and the alumni of Arts of Change
- An expense allowance in the amount of 100 Euro
- Integration and final presentation of the project in the context of a traveling exhibition in winter 2023/24; additionally specially designed final presentation formats (concerts, performances, workshops, exhibitions, etc.) depending on space availability at Austrian universities
- Important: There are no costs. As long as physical meetings are allowed in summer and winter semester 2023, travel, accommodation and food costs to Arts of Change bound activities will be covered!
Then let us know who you are (including: University, course of study, own interest in art and sustainability, previous art projects), what motivates you to participate, what contribution you think the arts, students and universities can make to sustainable development, and how you envision being actively involved in this transformation. Design your application in a format of your choice- we'll let your creativity run wild.
→ by February 19, 2023 at the latest to
Students of the following art universities can participate: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Mozarteum University Salzburg, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, University of Art and Industrial Design Linz.